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Aggravated Harassment (PL 240.30)

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Aggravated Harassment in the Second Degree (PL 240.30) is a Class A misdemeanor. Generally, it applies to those individuals accused of sending harassing or threatening messages to another person over the telephone, over email, or via text message. 


The maximum legal penalty for a conviction of this Class A misdemeanor charge is one year in prison. One can also be sentenced to three years of probation. There are also a whole host of other potential consequences to these arrests and convictions - see at the bottom of the page for a more exhaustive list, and call us if any of those items may apply to you.  Notably, if you are a non-citizen, a conviction for this crime might have serious negative consequences for you, including potential future inadmissibility or even present deportability. Some seemingly excellent dispositions may also jeopardize your ability to get or renew a visa.  Click here to learn more.  


Strategies for Success


Usually, these cases involve individuals that already know each other. Thus, it is oftentimes helpful to present to the prosecutor, judge, or jury the context of the conversation that was allegedly so harassing or unwanted. Frequently, it can be shown that the complainant initiated the conversation or even the insulting and offensive language, and that the defendant was simply responding. By demonstrating that the communications were nothing more than heated words between people that were angry at each other, we have been successful in getting dismissals and very favorable plea-bargains for many professionals accused of these crimes, thereby allowing them to avoid negative job consequences, deportation, or orders or protection.    


The potential penalties from this Desk Appearance Ticket:

Up to 1 year in jail.

Up to 3 years of probation.

Community service.

Rehabilitation programs or behavioral counseling.

Immigration consequences including deportation.

Employment problems.

Orders of protection.

Civil lawsuits for damages may also ensue. 

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