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Criminal Mischief (PL 145.00)

(Destruction of Property)

Click here to learn more about Desk Appearance Tickets, generally.


Criminal Mischief in the Fourth Degree is a Class A misdemeanor under Penal Law 145.00 and applies to those individuals that either a) intentionally damage the property of another person or b) recklessly damage property of another person thereby causing more than $250.00 worth of damage. 


These cases frequently involve arguments between family members and/or romantic partners, and/or oftentimes involve intoxicated parties. As a result, the credibility of the prosecution’s witnesses can oftentimes be successfully attacked. Sometimes, individuals are arrested for destroying property that they own jointly with another person, which arguably isn’t even a crime. 


The maximum legal penalty for a conviction of this charge is one year in prison. One can also be sentenced to three years of probation. More typical results for these cases for first time offenders include non-criminal dispositions with community service and/or restitution, meaning repayment of the allegedly damaged items. However, there a whole host of other potential consequences to these arrests and convictions - see at the bottom of the page for a more exhaustive list, and call us if any of those items may apply to you.  


Notably, if you are a non-citizen, a conviction for this crime might be classified as a “crime involving moral turpitude,” or CIMT, that might have serious negative consequences for you, including potential future inadmissibility or even present deportability. Some seemingly excellent dispositions may also jeopardize your ability to get or renew a visa.  Click here to learn more.  


The potential penalties from this Desk Appearance Ticket:

Up to 1 year in jail.

Up to 3 years of probation.

Fines up to $2,000.

Community service.

Restitution for the damaged property.

Immigration consequences including deportation.

Employment problems.


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