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Solicitation of a Prostitute (PL 230.04)

Click here to learn more about Desk Appearance Tickets, generally.


Solicitation of a prostitute is another common Desk Appearance Ticket in New York City and is becoming increasingly frequent with the proliferation of escort services on Backpage and Craigslist. Typically charged as a Class A misdemeanor under PL 230.04 or even more typically as an attempt at that crime (PL 110/230.04, a Class B misdemeanor) where the “prostitute” was really an undercover police officer (perhaps walking the street or posing on Backpage or Craigslist), an arrest can obviously be tremendously embarrassing, especially if made public. Additionally, these charges should be taken seriously because they can have significant consequences. Indeed, the maximum legal penalty for a conviction of this charge is one year in prison. One can also be sentenced to three years of probation. More typical results for these cases for first time offenders include non-criminal dispositions with sexual education programs. However, there a whole host of other potential consequences to these arrests and convictions - see at the bottom of the page for a more exhaustive list, and call us if any of those items may apply to you.  


Notably, if you are a non-citizen, a conviction for this crime can have serious negative consequences for you, including potential future inadmissibility or even present deportability. Some seemingly excellent dispositions may also jeopardize your ability to get or renew a visa.  Click here to learn more.  


The potential penalties from this Desk Appearance Ticket:

Up to 1 year in jail.

Up to 3 years of probation.

Fines up to $2,000.

Community service.

Counseling or sex education programs.

Immigration consequences including deportation.

Employment problems.


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